博凱設計 / Vin Jolie 酒類專賣

Vin Jolie 酒類專賣,只為您在每個重要時刻和最愛的人分享

品牌簡介 /
Vin Jolie Wine是間專售酒類與私人會所結合的交流空間,藉由自身對於法國酒類的了解與鑽研,為客戶挑選適合的酒品,
有別坊間常見的酒品,Vin Jolie 酒類專賣深入法國莊園、國外品鑑會與會所,親身了解酒類溫厚風情以求取回少數限定年份與產地的酒品,
對此另闢蹊徑作法,只為邀您在每個重要時刻和最愛的人分享:如同Vin Jolie Wine 闡述的﹕「像旅行一般,以輕鬆愉悅的方式,享受 Vin Jolie精選的獨家酒款 」。

Only for you to share with your favorite people at every important moment

以葡萄作為Vin Jolie的LOGO設計發想,同時也帶起了酒類專賣/私人酒窖的事業核心

從鮮美欲滴的葡萄開始,不論是甜味集中的貴腐酒或是勃根地皆由此而起。LOGO設計取自葡萄的意象與滴下的美酒兩者合一,對應品牌的主要業務,其次在色彩的運用上,採行沉穩的墨綠與象徵光芒的金色相互搭配,總令人聯想到和煦的陽光以及藤蔓綠葉,也呼應會所內部深色與木作裝潢混搭的氛圍;將自然的賜予進入販酒的私人空間,猶如重新裝填起”RELAX”這個單詞,讓每一位朋友再一次重溫已經熟到不能再熟的歡笑時光,而Vin Jolie 酒類專賣就是這樣美好的存在,同時私人會所的設定更提供另一種與朋友交心、小酌的選擇,試想在典雅的空間裡與三五閨密好友品著小點與紅酒度過優閒時刻,肯定會為彼此的情感更為加分。

Starting from the delicious grapes, whether it is noble rot wine with concentrated sweetness or burgundy, it all starts from this. The LOGO design is taken from the image of grapes and the dripping wine, which corresponds to the main business of the brand. Secondly, in the use of colors, the combination of calm dark green and gold symbolizing light is always reminiscent of the warm sunshine. And the green leaves of the vines also echo the atmosphere of the dark and wooden interiors of the clubhouse; giving nature into the private space of wine sales is like refilling the word “RELAX”, so that every friend can revisit the already familiar When it’s time to laugh again, Vin Jolie is such a beautiful existence. At the same time, the setting of the private club also provides another option to interact with friends and drink. Imagine spending time with three or five girlfriends in an elegant space. Dian and red wine spend leisure time, will definitely add more points to each other’s emotions.

產業類別 / 酒類酒商、私人會所、教學課程
設計類型 / LOGO設計、CIS設計規劃、名片設計
設計概念 / 融合葡萄與酒滴形象,藉以凸顯品牌的人文質感;簡約的型態與配色,更加凸顯品牌內在優雅的靈魂

相關留言: 2
  • 羅小姐
    2020-08-24 22:12:56

    詢問LOGO設計和名片的費用 謝謝
